About Me

United States
Belle is a mother of 2 beautiful teenagers aged 19 and 18 years old. She is originally from Bato, Catanduanes. She loves fiddling around with computer on her free time.

Saturday, May 5, 2007

Noni Juice, a Miracle Treatment

Date rolls and dried figs...all raw.

Yesterday, my husband and I went to the city to buy his food supplies (healthy stuff), and to dine out in our favorite restaurant. We went on a Friday, my day off, so it was just the two of us. We would have come in three had we gone on a weekend. A was thoroughly disappointed but she figured she couldn't miss classes as there is only a few weeks before graduation.

We decided to swing by at the health food store before we did our grocery shopping. I didn't want to go inside because I might just end up buying expensive stuff that we seldom use. My husband insisted I come just so he would not be alone pushing the cart. I stayed for a while in the car deciding if I should come in or not. Then, blogging came to mind. Aha! I could take pictures of his purchases and share it with my blogger-friends.

The store was pretty crowded with narrow isles, crummy, and kind of smelly emanating from herb products and other weird stuff. Now, you know why I was reluctant to go inside. I had the huge camera with me, by the way, too conspicous for the shoppers but I didn't let it bother me as long I minded my own business. I browsed around the isles, finding something that would interest me. Colorful juices on the shelves caught my attention...blackberry juice, green juice, pomegranate juice, naked juice, carrot juice, grape juice, blueberry juice......and NONI juice. Noni juice? I remember a friend of mine has been preaching about this product years ago. I listened but never really took her seriously. I was already hooked on a different juice called odwalla that contains a lot of properties beneficial for our body. Besides, she told me the product was kind of pricey.

"Why not give it a try," I murmured. $18 is affordable and with a dose of 4 tablespoons a day, I should get a lot of use out it. Not bad! I brought it to the counter where my husband's groceries were and had the saleslady ring it up. My husband saw the price and thought it was pricey for a juice. He said, No! With my stern look, I said, Yes! And he acceded. Ha!

I took 2 tablespoons of juice right away since the instructions prefer that it is to be taken on an empty stomach. I hadn't eaten my breakfast because I was saving it for the big meal. Then, on the way home, after several hours of running around in the mall, I took 2 tablespoon again. The product is laced with taste enhancers like guava juice so the taste is bearable. It would probably even appeal to the taste buds of the kids.

That night, I felt somewhat different. My nose wasn't clogged as it has been. I have been suffering from severe allergies that started in February and it can linger until end of May. I have tried all kinds of over the counter homeopathic medicines but I never really found the remedy that I was looking for. But now, I finally can breath again through my nose! What a great feeling! It feels heavenly! You know what it is like when your nose is completely clogged? Even drinking water was like a chore. It felt horrible! But now, thanks to NONI, I can breath again.

If you would like to know more information about this product, you may do your own research. Just type in Noni juice. P.S. (I am not paid to write this post.)


Anonymous said...

This is good? I hope I can find it here. Would be good for my hubs who sometimes get this problem with his nose too.

Heart of Rachel said...

Hi Belle. I heard about it too but I have never tried it. I'm glad it relieved your clogged nose. Nice of you to share your new found remedy with us. Thanks!

Forever59er said...

haha natawa ako dun sa 'i am not paid to write this' -- was beginning to wonder if you had signed up to payperpost. :) Noni juiice was also the rage her in Pinas a few years back as a cure-all. If I am not mistaken, they sold this on a pyramid marketing scheme. But of course that shouldn't diminish the efficacy of the product. Truly, many of my acquaintances who tried it swear by it -- but half of them couldn't keep up because of its price tag. Nowadays, I hear people praising the merits of virgin coconut oil. Mas affordable and "proudly made in the Philippines." You can also browse it Belle if you're interested.

Suntec said...

Wow that is a great experience you had there. One of the obstacles face by noni juice manufacturers is the lack of clinical trials based on the noni juice and its effective medicinal properties.
As a noni manufacturer this is a great little bit of reading.

Unknown said...

Noni juice works great! I love the taste.
